Looking back the last two months flew by, but when I was living them they didn't go by that quickly. I was consumed the whole time with wanting to have my baby. Dalley was born a little early so i thought for sure Whitlee would be too. Not only was she not early but we went passed my due date. I never would have thought I would go passed my due date so the last few weeks drove me nuts. But finally I agreed to be started and on June 7 at 2:27 a.m., our sweet Whitlee Jane Westwood was born. She weighed in at 9lbs15 ounces and was 20" long. I about died when the doctor told me how big she was. When I was pregnant with Dalley they were worried about his size the whole time, but with this pregnancy they never once worried about her size and she was about two pounds heavier than Dalley.
So far she is a sweet wonderful baby and I am feeling very spoiled. Dalley was a little more high maintenance. He was on oxygen for his first month home so I was a nervous wreck with him the whole time. Whitlee seems to be so easy in comparison. Our first night home she slept six hours straight and the next night she slept five. I have found that she will sleep forever if she is being held so it is tempting at times just to hold her and get more sleep. I am trying not to create a bigger problem though so I try to not hold her when she sleeps. She is such a cuddly little thing it is hard to put her down. The only thing that isn't easy with her is eating. From the start she has not liked to eat and it is a fight every time. A couple of days after we got home I hemorrhaged and ended up back in the hospital for two days. During that she was exclusively on the bottle and it has been a fight getting her back to nursing. I know it just takes time, but those middle of the night feedings would be less frustrating if she would latch easier.
I am really excited that she looks a bit like me. Dalley looks so little like me I have actually been asked if I adopted him. I was praying that she would at least look like me a little. She has dark hair and darker skin but her features definitely resemble Dustin. I guess the Westwood genes are really strong. So far she is the only Westwood grand kid with dark hair and I hope it stays dark.
She already has a sweet little temperament and is quite patient with her big brother. He would hold her all day if we let him. We are all in love with her already and are so thankful she is finally here.
Congratulations! She is such a doll. I wanted one with dark hair like me too and i got 4 blondies... ha, ha Thanks for the perfect update.
Congratulations! She is a cutie!! All of our kids look like my husband - I got a little of me in Kaden with his green eyes but other than that . . . . nothing!
She is adorable!! I have been meaning to get you something and send it to you but haven't, but I will!! She is precious!! I am so happy she is finally here. I have been thinking about you for the last few weeks wondering if she has made it here!! So happy for you guys!!1
Congratulations again! She is just a sweet little thing. I love seeing her with big brother and seeing that he just loves her! What a blessing she is. I am glad that things went well.
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