Friday, February 27, 2009

Random Cute Pictures

Dalley and Michael feeding the Dairy Cows

Riding the tractor with Daddy

This is what happens when dad gets Dalley ready for the day

Two of Dalley's favorite things to play with 1) Dad's Hat 2) Cousin Michael (look at that skinny baby)
Dalley with his new Catahoula puppy, Gus

Kind of a funny story, the day after we got Dalley out of the hospital he decided to start caring about fashion and since he was sick I gave in to him. He refused to wear clothes, the only thing he would let me put on him was his puppy bathrobe and he had to have the hood on. He crawled around in that thing all day and would throw a fit when I tried to take it off. It was so dang cute.

I am starting to realize that he is naked a lot

These are his grandpa pajama pants. I think they are so cute.


Angela said...

My boys love to be without clothes too - its hard just to keep underwear on them. They prefer nakedness. Cute pics!

Cam & Nat said...

hey heston is naked alot here too. He hates when I try to put clothes on him. The little stinks. I just wish my body looked as cute as his then I'd run around naked!! anyway. He is one cute little thing. Doesn't he turn one tomorrow?? Or sometime soon??