Saturday, February 5, 2011

All about Dalley

  • Dalley loves gum. He will chew a piece of bubble gum for hours. We use a little gumball machine as his potty training prize so he is always chewing gum. He is the cutest little gum chewer that I have ever seen
  • He loves to give me big hugs and say, "I love my mommy soooo much!" It is pretty much my most favorite thing ever.
  • He loves horses.I have a ton of pictures of him on horses with his daddy and he can name every horse in the pictures. He even pays attention to horses color. If he sees a horse on TV or in a book he will tell me which horse of Daddy's that one looks like. "That one is the same as half pint." or "That one is the same as sorrely"
  • He is a big tease.He calls my mom Nana and my dad Papa. The other day I asked him if he wanted a banana and he smiled and said, "After I eat nana I well eat papa."
  • He loves the Lion King, but not for the reason most kids do. He likes to hunt the bad lions and the mean dogs on the show.Whenever they come on the screen he has to shoot them with his shotgun
  • He is really friendly and is always inviting people to come play with him. The other day he invited my visiting teaching partner and the lady who works at the assessors office to come play with him at his house.
  • He is a big fan of church. I think it is because of the social aspect. He walks in all by himself and shakes everyone's hand he sees. If I don't keep a hold of him he will just walk up the aisle shaking everyone's hands and saying hi.
  • When he gets mad at me or Dustin he will tell us that we are no longer his best buddies. When he is happy with me he will tell me I am his best buddy again.
  • He is always talking about Nevada. He has a lot of stories about roping cows, riding horses, and feeding in Nevada. One time after getting back from Nevada I walked in and he was pretending to give one of his toy cows a shot like "Papa does in Nevada"
  • He has quite an imagination. He loves to pretend like he is a puppy and to get daddy to pretend with him. Lots of nights I will have two puppies crawling around my living room.


Lynda said...

Dalley is truly one of the most unique cute little guys in the world. And that is not because I am prejudice.

Adam and Shari Crawford said...

Ahhhh... That is CUTE!