Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Halloween 2011
This Halloween was pretty awesome. Last year we were in Samoa for Halloween, so this is the first Halloween where Dalley knew what was going on when we went trick or treating. He kept calling it Trick or hunting which I thought was hilarious. We started out by carving pumpkins and making Halloween cupcakes for Family Home evening a few days before Halloween. Dalley has such a strong gag reflex he couldn't be around the pumpkins until all the guts were disposed of. The smell of pumpkin guts makes him puke. I carved mine and Dustin carved his and Dalley's. It was my job to remove ALL of the pumpkin guts though. Whitlee sat in the bumbo and gave us moral support. After the pumpkins we decorated the Halloween cupcakes I had made. I took a plate to a lady I visit teach and Dustin took the rest to the guys he works with.
I was assigned as a helper on Dalley's preschool Halloween party. It was a lot of fun. I was instructed to make witches out of a pickle an olive and a piece of cheese. I had no idea how to do that so I just got mini cookie cutters and cut the cheese into Halloween shapes and put them on a toothpick with a pickle and an olive. The other moms went to a lot of work to make really cute treats for the kids. We played fun games and Dalley had a good time. He has such a great teacher and it she is also Dustin's aunt.
On Halloween night they had a trunk or treat. We went because it gave us an opportunity to hand out our candy, but after it was over we went door to door. Dustin loves trick or treating because it gives him an opportunity to b.s. with everyone. We averaged about ten minutes at each house. It was a really enjoyable night and we got to visit with a lot of people that we don't get the opportunity to see very often.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Dalley J
- Dalley loves going to school and really enjoyed having dad come eat with him for National school lunch week. He really loves his teachers and all of his friends at school. He is a bit of a ladies man, got that from his daddy.
- Dalley loves everything that daddy loves. He has gotten to chop hay with Dustin a lot this summer and he thinks he is big stuff. He loves riding horses and has very little fear when it comes to riding. He has spent a lot of time at the feedlot this summer and he enjoys going to work with daddy and hanging out with Kade and Josh
- Dalley loves farm toys. I got him a wooden fence for being good at the dentist and he took that thing everywhere with him for a week. He even slept with it.
- He has an awesome imagination. I love to sneak up on him while he is playing and listen to him talk to his toys. I am not sure if any of them talk back to him. he other day he was hauling cows in the living room and I called for him, I heard him say," hold on a minute, I have to go see what my mom wants" I cracked up.
- He calls everyone son. I am not sure where he got it but it makes me laugh. We were heading over the mountain the other day and a cattle truck was having a struggle getting up the steep summit. Dalley looked out the window and said, "Get that bull wagon moving son" . We were on our way home from Salt Lake and we stopped in Levan to go to the bathroom and get Dustin a soda, a lady walked up to Dalley and told him he was cute. He turned to her and said, "Thanks son". The lady laughed and asked him him how old he was. He answered, " I'm five son, how old are you?"
- He also calls people boy a lot. If i say something and he doesn't hear me he will say, "What did you say boy?" I laugh every time so that is probably why he does it
- He is an awesome big brother. He loves his sister and he is very protective of her.
1/3 of a year
- Whitlee weighs in at 12lbs 6 oz. She is not gaining very quickly but that is ok since she got a head start.
- Whitlee is still an awesome sleeper. It is so nice to just get her ready for bed and then lay her in her crib and let her put herself to sleep.
- She can take her Binky out of her mouth and put it back in, she is also starting to hold her bottle a bit
- She is getting more interactive. She likes to explore the face of whoever is holding her, especially dad's facial hair.
- She has rolled front to back and is really close to rolling back to front. She spends most of her floor time up on her side, she just needs the extra oomph to get her all the way over.
- She loves her brother. It doesn't matter what Dalley says to her, it makes her laugh. It is harder for anyone else to get her to laugh.
- She has been sleeping all night the last four nights, I do not have high hopes of it lasting though
- We have started her on rice cereal and she is a pretty big fan. She still doesn't eat much, maybe 1/4 tablespoon, but she enjoys what little she eats.
- She is an angel in church. Dustin has 4 mountain grazing permits to gather with very little help, so he has had to miss church a few times lately. She is always an angel in church when I am doing my calling. It also helps that I have a lot of people willing to hold her when I need help.
- She has big beautiful eyes and she is quick to smile with them. I love how they light up when I go in to get her up in the morning or get her up from a nap
Monday, October 17, 2011
Saturday morning we got up and headed to the zoo. Dalley loved the zoo. He especially like the monkeys and the elephants. My favorite is the giraffes. I am always amazed at them. Whitlee was an angel as usual. She hung out in her stroller the whole time and never even made a peep. We rode the carousel and the train. Dalley really like the carousel and surprised me by picking to ride the polar bear. We left the zoo around 2:00. Dalley said he was disappointed because he didn't get to see any wolves or dang coyotes.
Dalley and Whitlee and I went back to the room for a nap while everyone else went shopping. Then we all got ready and headed for the Circus. Dalley LOVED it. He would get so excited. He couldn't sit still he was so excited. He jumped up and down and squealed. He was more entertaining than the circus. He got tired a little bit after intermission and he and I headed back to the room early.
The next morning we got up and took our time heading home. We had to stop at Cabela's so Dalley could see wolves and dang coyotes. We were going to stop in Gunnison so the kids could get their pictures with Mater, but by the time we got there they were all asleep. It was a pretty fun trip and I enjoyed spending time with my kids and Dustin's family.
Dalley and Whitlee napping after a long day at the zoo
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Cutest Blanket Ever
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Zoo/Circus Weekend
Saturday morning we got up and headed to the zoo. Dalley loved the zoo. He especially like the monkeys and the elephants. My favorite is the giraffes. I am always amazed at them. Whitlee was an angel as usual. She hung out in her stroller the whole time and never even made a peep. We rode the carousel and the train. Dalley really like the carousel and surprised me by picking to ride the polar bear. We left the zoo around 2:00. Dalley said he was disappointed because he didn't get to see any wolves or dang coyotes.
Dalley and Whitlee and I went back to the room for a nap while everyone else went shopping. Then we all got ready and headed for the Circus. Dalley LOVED it. He would get so excited. He couldn't sit still he was so excited. He jumped up and down and squealed. He was more entertaining than the circus. He got tired a little bit after intermission and he and I headed back to the room early.
The next morning we got up and took our time heading home. We had to stop at Cabela's so Dalley could see wolves and dang coyotes. We were going to stop in Gunnison so the kids could get their pictures with Mater, but by the time we got there they were all asleep. It was a pretty fun trip and I enjoyed spending time with my kids and Dustin's family.
Dalley and Whitlee napping after a long day at the zoo