4 month stats:
- Whitlee weighs in at 12lbs 6 oz. She is not gaining very quickly but that is ok since she got a head start.
- Whitlee is still an awesome sleeper. It is so nice to just get her ready for bed and then lay her in her crib and let her put herself to sleep.
- She can take her Binky out of her mouth and put it back in, she is also starting to hold her bottle a bit
- She is getting more interactive. She likes to explore the face of whoever is holding her, especially dad's facial hair.
- She has rolled front to back and is really close to rolling back to front. She spends most of her floor time up on her side, she just needs the extra oomph to get her all the way over.
- She loves her brother. It doesn't matter what Dalley says to her, it makes her laugh. It is harder for anyone else to get her to laugh.
- She has been sleeping all night the last four nights, I do not have high hopes of it lasting though
- We have started her on rice cereal and she is a pretty big fan. She still doesn't eat much, maybe 1/4 tablespoon, but she enjoys what little she eats.
- She is an angel in church. Dustin has 4 mountain grazing permits to gather with very little help, so he has had to miss church a few times lately. She is always an angel in church when I am doing my calling. It also helps that I have a lot of people willing to hold her when I need help.
- She has big beautiful eyes and she is quick to smile with them. I love how they light up when I go in to get her up in the morning or get her up from a nap
I will attest to everything is true. This little girl steals my heart. A lot of the reason for that is she reminds me so much of her mother at that age. She will be the sunshine in the family just like her mom.
She's adorable :) And she sounds like a doll. I can only hope I can get TWO babies as good as her :)
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