Monday, October 20, 2008

He Crawls!!!

So for a couple of months now Dalley has been doing his backward crawl, crawdad thing. That was until yesterday. We were in primary and Dustin was teaching the lesson. I put Dalley on the floor and he crawled over to one of the kids in the class like he had been doing it his whole life. Now there is no stopping this kid. He is on the go.

This weekend the weather was beautiful so I enlisted Dustin's nephew to come help me clean my yard. We pulled weeds and hauled them to the back lot to be burned. We then raked leaves and put them in those decorative pumplin leaf bags. It was a lot of fun and we got a lot done. Dalley was a little angel boy and sat in his stroller and watched while we worked.

Dustin got off a little early so we drove into Panguitch so I could buy some fleece for some blankets I wanted to make for my nieces. We were able to get some cute girly fleece for the girls and I bought some John Deere fleece to make Dalley a blanket. While we were there I fell in love with a cute little wrought iron pumpkin stand. Now we just have to get our pumpkins carved.


Unknown said...

Tell him to SLOW DOWN or Ira will never be able to catch him!
i can't believe he finally got the forward motion. that is great, hope your house is baby proofed now!
miss you!

Lara said...

Hey! I am sooo glad to hear from you. When did Dalley grow up?!?! Wasn't he just born? Then to hear that he is crawling and sitting and everything. Wow! He sure is a cutie. I am glad that you have a blog so that we can keep up with you. Love ya!

Zinser Photography said...

I'm so glad you started blogging. If you haven't seen ours yet it's so we can keep tabs on each other. You have a very cute little family.

Brooke said...

Kristi! yay, i am excited we can be blogging buddies! Dalley is adorable. When is is birthday? He and my Bracken are about the same age. I think I invited you to my blog...I will check, and if not I will send you an invite! Dont you love being a mom?? I know I do!

Adam and Shari Crawford said...

So excited to see you on this blogging thing! Now I can keep up on you and that adorable son of yours!