My husband is absolutely obsessed with dogs. As much as I fight it, he has to have a minimum of four dogs and sometimes a lot more. He is pretty good at training them. He has some that he has trained as cow dogs, some that are cougar dogs, and our newest dog is going to be a bear hunting dog. These are our two newest dogs. We got Clyde who is a six month old short haired border collie. The new bear dog is Lucy, she is a pure bred American Red Pit bull. Clyde is Dalley's puppy. Last night him and Dustin spent an hour in the yard trying to teach him to come to his name.
Dalley and Clyde
Dustin has been teaching Dalley to train dogs. He tied a rope to Clyde's collar and was having Dalley teach him to come. I took a video of it. It was pretty cute.
1 comment:
This video is SO stinking cute! I love his little personality :) He will be a great helper for Dustin
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